I am the stingiest MFer you will ever meet. But even I would NEVER consider buying rappelling equipment from TEMU, Amazon, eBay, etc. And sure as F wouldn’t not trust Chinese made sold at US store. Just like body Armour, I will go to a brick and mortar store where I am paying for the over head and padded price.
I’ve never rock climbed in my life, I know very little of the sport. So maybe this is a stupid question, but are we talking actual glue? These people are trusting their lives to an object glued to the side of a mountain? What type of glue is this???
What’s the price?
I used to rockclimb, then I became fat. I dont rock climb anymore.😂😂😂
Remember, a lot of the time the most important piece of saftey is the structure of the rock
Wanna see if this will work 3,000ft up!??😳
insurance has left the chat
But the question is will the rock bear the enormous weight concentrated in a small point
Most likely, it will fall.
I am the stingiest MFer you will ever meet. But even I would NEVER consider buying rappelling equipment from TEMU, Amazon, eBay, etc. And sure as F wouldn’t not trust Chinese made sold at US store. Just like body Armour, I will go to a brick and mortar store where I am paying for the over head and padded price.
If this is the only piece that fits, what are you gonna do, NOT place it? (Yes, I have taken falls on these).
Me looking at his crotch
I can’t entrust my 39 years old life to this small piece of thing 😂
Do you know how I struggled to be here
Climbers vs cavedivers in the race to die
No way i could ever trust ropes and wires to hold me up on the side of a cliff thousands of feet high i could never ever ever do that
That’s nuts!
Lifetime guarantee
Depends more on the crack
Black myth wukong irl?
How bout that package and rock grinding 😂
I was waiting for him to land on his ass bone
Why do all rock climbers have long, dirty hair and beards
I have an idea guys
I’ve never rock climbed in my life, I know very little of the sport. So maybe this is a stupid question, but are we talking actual glue? These people are trusting their lives to an object glued to the side of a mountain? What type of glue is this???
Seems pretty averagely sized to me but hey what do i know?! Im only a nice guy
Yeahhhh still a climber 200ft up I can bet they gonna be using some big sturdy ones 😂
Cave divers have had their notice for doing stupid shit.
Rock Climbers you’re next.
I used that up mount Everest
He have a Roblox pants😂😂😂
Seems to hold EVERYTHING just fine😅
Cavers and climbers have no value of their lives or valued them too much I don’t even know anymore
tell us you’re a bottom without telling us you’re a bottom.
Would you trust your life to it at 2-300 ft!? Lol
Now find the perfect crack at 3000. It only hurts until you hit the bottom. No more pain and you stop bleeding.
Hold my beer dude
But the question is for how long and will it hold sudden fall.
Ok, but where are you ever putting that when you are actually climbing? It’s way too small, lol.
People who seeing him: what is he doing😂😂
Weight test aint shit, a fall test greates more force on the anchor, curious if itd hande that, i bet not
What if you’re trying to use an anchor in too large of a crack? Like tossing a hotdog down a hallway
Obviously it holds body weight Mr. man bun. It’s an aid piece. Not too bright are you?
I used that and only that when I climbed k2
Do you guys know how to translate weight to force? Do you know how strong metal is?
No thanks
Dang he needs to use those little ones for his mini me to use instead of strangling him between his legs like that 😂😂😂
I wouldn’t trust my life to that.😅
Psychological pro
First few seconds of this video I was like FU too buddy
Did I hear the zip crack at the end
Never cut corners on such items.
Not one customer complaint about the failure 😂
I don’t understand. You f the crack gets smaller the equipment needs to get smaller. Right? Why being excited about it being small?