I pulled these numbers from the Ceter for Information Technology at Oberlin College! Of course, the actual times can vary depending on a TON of factors.
But the main takeaway is that small changes to your password can make an EXPONENTIAL difference in security. Stay safe online y’all. 🫡
Okay but you’re abusing statistics here, you’re only reporting the absolute maximum times. Yes it can be a maximum of 5 days if it gets it on the last guess, but it could also get it on the very first try
My iPad passcode is dandan24/7
Is this passcode hard for a hacker?
Hacking windows passwords are really easy btw, you just need a instalation usb
Just never do just the minimal requirement in anything that is about security.
Man this dude really wants that laptop if he waits 3 years for it
well im doomed. i was doomed the second he STARTED guessing. wait am i telling too much? i’ll go change my password rn..
Didn’t know the hacker was a speedtyper.. less than a second for 208 billion combos
what about this password used it long time ago so idrc: qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;’zxcvbnm,./zxcvbnm,./asdfghjkl;’qwertyuiop[]zmpqchess
My password has 21 letters 4 Uppercase letters, and 9 numbers, NOBODY will ever guess it
What if i use the password ********
Me who has 25 Numbers in my password: 😃
My email password is 69CALBhawktuahh
Do think I’m stupid
Can you, little, one, talk normally?
I have no password
Damn, so my password would be like a billion goddamn years
Add a bunch of random characters it now takes Hundreds of years and will leave.
how the f*ck am I supposed to remember my password if I do all that.
Yeah nah nobody is going to guess my password for anything this way or by just guessing it unless they know it from some other account
So uh…
My password is "Illhave2number9sanumber9largeanumber6withextradipanumber72number45s1withcheeseandalargesoda". How long would it take to crack that?
That one password: Adhk2749EjrkFYBD!?)#’*#)3($(*$($/$’chc
What if I have over 100 characters over 5 symbols and over 20 uppercase letters
Mines 38 characters long
My password is MeRrYlAnD2453!? No one is guessing that shit
So that’s why I typed in my account name in a suspicious website and it took 3 years to guess my password…
Oh man! Good thing I made mine “IEat6PoundsCement!” Now I can rest easy knowing nobody will figure it out!
My password is safe then
Bro I got 3 upper case letters 4 symbols and 3 numbers I’m cooking
Me just mashing my keyboard and upping the time to 88 billion years
Hmmm ROmir28@€$
I pulled these numbers from the Ceter for Information Technology at Oberlin College! Of course, the actual times can vary depending on a TON of factors.
But the main takeaway is that small changes to your password can make an EXPONENTIAL difference in security. Stay safe online y’all. 🫡
Okay but you’re abusing statistics here, you’re only reporting the absolute maximum times. Yes it can be a maximum of 5 days if it gets it on the last guess, but it could also get it on the very first try
I feel safer knowing that it would take 3 years to guess my basic ahh password
Glad I made my password *********, keeps it safe
The Password Game…
Taking 5 years to just get in to watch goharsguide is crazy work
The most patient hacker: im boutta end this guys whole career
What is that laptop
This will be easy
-someone with years of experience in crypto hack
Hacker: why the password show ******** even tho it’s true
The one who got hacked: *setting the password *********
This is a total lie. They can’t go through 208 billion passwords in 1 second.
Ouuuu pulling numbers out ur 🍑 I see 😏
Password: ksgjhdkdhlurlrukdtktsjtdkhdkdhjydkvngngdndhñtjtdgkfhkdtkydfytkljfykyfodhkjlhdkhfkgkhfnxgnhfnkyejtdktdkdhkgsjsrhsfjgshrajtd = 12 duodecillion combinations
Pov you have 10 step verification
good password for yall: aePKHw2#
Here’s what you actually do: get 4 random words. Unguessable
How about fjc'("374¥¢π©✓{
You asshole they know