How Many Swings to Sink a Nail?
How Many Swings to Sink a Nail?
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Yall know you didn’t have to post this yeah?😂
The no slack flag in the back 💀
Big Red 1 on the wall, ooof. Junction City fucking bloowwwwwssss
We playing Hammerschlagen!
My old boss would have berated the first two guys so bad on the first day😂
I actually thought he got it in with one swing but he sent it flying and i didn’t even notice 😂
Get a framing hammer ffs
we played a game like this at scout camp. There was a dealer, points, and betting with said points.
Who taught y’all how to swing a hammer 😂pitiful just a shame , don’t even have the right to wield the mighty hammer only those with precise technique can beat it off , shit I’m as fast with a hammer as I am in bed , 2 secs and I’m finished
Guys be careful , it’s not funny.
yall be swinging the hammer like fairies
The very first guy in intro looks like yo boy pizza
My name is Geff
💯 need more Geoff in the videos!
So we know who the only person whos ever done any work is
Just like video games the generation of screw fasteners has disabled wood workers
My family plays this as a drinking game, you drink after each swing if the nail isn’t flush to the log.
Its the sideways hang back that the first guy struggled with
John is too big to be that weak
Back in my late teens I joined a framing crew that built tract houses (60’s). After about 2 months of driving nails with a 12 oz. hammer I figured out the neck of doing it with two swings. 1st to start the nail, second to drive the head flush. Now in my 70’s I sure can’t do it. After breaking my hand I can barely hold a hammer. Had to switch to screws and a cordless driver.
It’s a bar game, crazy funny after 12 beers.
fancy geoff the mvp
East coast "men"
I spell my name the same way geoff
That was pitifull
“mY nAmE iS jEfF” 😂
Yeah, first try!
I played this game at a new years do at this mate house it was in his swimming pool room a clipped the nail and shot across the room somehow missed everyone and broke a window 😂
You’re cheating Estswings are God tier hammers. Their puny mallets had nothing on yours.
Try a milled face hammer
Cheap date, didn’t even want lunch after the spa!
A good framer can set and sink a 16p nail in 3 hits.
Hit with ya 👛
if you get the technique right, almost anyone can sink a 16 penny nail in 1 to 2 swings 😀
U can tell that the one shot is fake if you watch closely
Why does John always think he’s the best cause he’s big?😊
Thats a drinking game at parties where I live. Get a stump, one nail per person and one hammer. You take turns having a swing. You can hit anyone’s nail, last nail in buys next round. (or first nail in wins a beer from last nail in).
hi my name is also "Geoff"
Better stick with your air nailers.
That one swing had sparks
Sam swinging a hammer is painful to watch
I used to play this game in Thailand this and connect four. Iykyk.
tip…. dont ever aim for the head of the nail. Always aim for where the nail is going into the surface. Also dont do that windmill crap… lol
Hammer Spiel did it in a bar in Giessen Germany it was a good night
Geoff did NOT take his dad’s shirt and go to work for him that day.
There is a drinking game called stump… you should try it
Jeff is Lars