My favorite tip is: put the outfit you will wear in the morning inside your sleeping bag. It sucks to have to change into freezing cold clothes in the morning lol
If Im hot tenting, Ill heat a bunch of water. Two hot nalgenes inside both of my insulated boots, which are hung off the ground. The others lept oven adjacent. I only out a bottle in my bag if I REALLY need to (for fear of them managing to spill water inside my bag). I also keep a cup of hot chamomile against the stove, so I always have a hot drink handy.
If Im not hot tenting, then Ill use a alcohol/wood stove combo. That way I only need yo use a little acohol to get a small wood fire going for heating much more water and drying out gear.
I just take off the base layer I’ve been wearing all day and wear my puffy booties, pants, and jacket and a cloth face mask and beanie then just let my sleeping system do the rest. That extra weight isn’t a big deal for me to have quality sleep.
The old Rock Creek is the best. Heat fist or baseball-sized rocks (wrapped in foil) in the fire coals and then take off the sooty foil and wrap in a towel, put down by your feet in your sleeping bag. Heated rocks will retain heat longer than boiled water in a bottle. But if you don’t have access to rocks, this is a good alternative.
And I’m a candy boii so I always have sugary shit, as well as fatty stuff on me. I have to eat like every two hours before I start getting cold so I literally keep a snack. I wake up because I’m cold because I’m slightly hungry.
i use another trick a pair of small hand warmers, they are super small they can fit anywhere and i bring them fully charged, then at night i put them inside my socks and its super warm, fully charged mine last 1 full night, if you bring a powerbank they can last a full week
of sleep
I have been using the hot water bottle trick for over 2 decades, since I was a teen. Always had cold feet (poor circulation). I figured this was just something most knew…..
Another good one is always make sure your bladder is empty before going to bed! Your body has to put in work to keep all of that liquid warm, so if you get rid of it you body can focus on keeping other things warm
You shouldn’t eat before bed. It makes all energy goes into digestion.
Going sleep without food will make your body make natural brown fat which will heat you up. Rather expose yourself slowly to cold then avoiding it.
Also, dry base layers are a must before bed! Usually the long Johns or thermal layer I plan to wear the next day, so you don’t have to strip down to them twice!
Here i am with cold feet in my bed like let me try that
My favorite tip is: put the outfit you will wear in the morning inside your sleeping bag. It sucks to have to change into freezing cold clothes in the morning lol
If Im hot tenting, Ill heat a bunch of water. Two hot nalgenes inside both of my insulated boots, which are hung off the ground. The others lept oven adjacent. I only out a bottle in my bag if I REALLY need to (for fear of them managing to spill water inside my bag). I also keep a cup of hot chamomile against the stove, so I always have a hot drink handy.
If Im not hot tenting, then Ill use a alcohol/wood stove combo. That way I only need yo use a little acohol to get a small wood fire going for heating much more water and drying out gear.
Hot water bottles are no secret 😅 xx
I was gifted a nalgene years ago and never knew they could hold hot liquid what the heck
Boiling plastic particles in drinking water yum. Also storing it “between upper thighs” lol
I just take off the base layer I’ve been wearing all day and wear my puffy booties, pants, and jacket and a cloth face mask and beanie then just let my sleeping system do the rest. That extra weight isn’t a big deal for me to have quality sleep.
nice but its not a secret.
the tricks been used for 1000 of years, started with hot stones.
Much safer to get a hot water bottle from the UK!!
My feet get cold and stay cold as well.
The old Rock Creek is the best. Heat fist or baseball-sized rocks (wrapped in foil) in the fire coals and then take off the sooty foil and wrap in a towel, put down by your feet in your sleeping bag. Heated rocks will retain heat longer than boiled water in a bottle. But if you don’t have access to rocks, this is a good alternative.
Sleeping bayg
You want to get mesh long underwear that’s what
I’m the same. Gear is massive.
Wool! Wear wool! Lots of it!
And I’m a candy boii so I always have sugary shit, as well as fatty stuff on me. I have to eat like every two hours before I start getting cold so I literally keep a snack. I wake up because I’m cold because I’m slightly hungry.
Ha, i live in south west alaska and love to camp, thanks for the tips.
Please try this in Antarctica. Hope it works
As and kayaker, i have had to pee in an emty bottle to make a short time hand warmer.
sleeping bayg
Vegan gamer😎🎮🕹️💚🫂🐥🤗
Great advice. When the bottle cools down a little you can have a hot sweet drink to warm your guts and provide easy assimilated calories.
i use another trick a pair of small hand warmers, they are super small they can fit anywhere and i bring them fully charged, then at night i put them inside my socks and its super warm, fully charged mine last 1 full night, if you bring a powerbank they can last a full week
of sleep
I have been using the hot water bottle trick for over 2 decades, since I was a teen. Always had cold feet (poor circulation). I figured this was just something most knew…..
I find is very difficult to believe that you’re pouring boiling water directly into a plastic water bottle. Wot?? Wouldn’t it shrink and get ruined?
Another good one is always make sure your bladder is empty before going to bed! Your body has to put in work to keep all of that liquid warm, so if you get rid of it you body can focus on keeping other things warm
wow, a hot water bottle, who’d have gest it.
I find wrist sweat bands make a big difference in keeping warm. That bit of skin between your gloves and jacket cuff loses a lot of heat.
Wrapping your feet up with insulated material is the best thing to do in cold weather.
The place that works the best for me is also your upper thighs 😂
Yes so amazing I love Eva 💛
“In your sleeping bayg”
Ya you’re from the Yukon alright.
I’d be warm too if I had someone with me to doink in the night
bonnie your comming from the 51 st state keep a look out for resources we can steal …I mean develop for your overlord ….USA
I like the red booties
use a better sleeping bag and drink water instead of sugar – body produces warm with water !
Put those cold feet right into the sleeves of that down jacket, or oversize wool socks just for sleeping
I used this trick on my trip. Thanks!
Hot Water bottles have existed for decades and are made for this purpose much safer than a plastic drink bottle…
Nobody cares. Just camp .
all that pointless filler to say ”make a hot water bottle”
thank you so much for this. my hands and feet are normally so cold constantly, but i love winter camping and havw basically just suffered
You shouldn’t eat before bed. It makes all energy goes into digestion.
Going sleep without food will make your body make natural brown fat which will heat you up. Rather expose yourself slowly to cold then avoiding it.
Is their a chance that the water bottle and I could switch places
Also, dry base layers are a must before bed! Usually the long Johns or thermal layer I plan to wear the next day, so you don’t have to strip down to them twice!
Wish I was that nalgene
I love that chocolate especially the black one yummy ❤
Hot water bottles are the best