KAUAI BIKE PATH… a Fun & Scenic HD TOUR of Paradise!!
KAUAI BIKE PATH… a Fun & Scenic HD TOUR of Paradise!!
Enjoy a musical ride along the entire Kapaa Bike Path, beginning to end (and back), with points of interest noted throughout. High-definition video is used with digital and post-production wave stabilization.
For more information, please visit: https://www.PromotingParadise.com
FOR BIKE RENTALS (03:45), please visit: https://HoloHoloBikeRentals.com
For details & updates regarding the treasured “Ke Ala Hele Makalae” hike & bike path, please visit: https://www.KauaiPath.org
I added my hula boy cameo to the spot that the Google-Earth-Mobile captured me years ago. Here’s the link to that exact spot if you’re interested:
(You can click-hold and drag the viewer perspective and walk up and down the bike path. Pretty cool, huh?)
Aloha & Mahalo!!
Gorgeous and how long is the bike trail?
This was great, thank you! ❤❤❤❤
Great video. Thanks for posting it.
What a lovely path that is. I may have to pop over and try it? Thanks!
Hello, and thanks for the video. I can’t seem to find a definitive answer anywhere to this question: is there a continuous path between Lydgate Park and Fuji Beach? Many thanks if you have an answer.
# Scenic Bicycle ! Paths
Beautiful scenery… love all the info you share!
Great scenic video for my boring treadmill workout! Thank you!!
Wonderful 😊 great scenery I loved it, old man on hi bike ( in the garage 😊) Lancashire England. Thank you.
Top 2K quality, great place to ride the bike. Nice video for indoor cycling. Time goes so fast. It”s totally fun.
This is awesome!!!!!
Made for a lovely ride this morning
Excellent video all around! The scenery of course, the music, most of all the captions. They make it truly a guided tour. Your extra effort to add them sets you apart. Thank you so much! Aloha!
Nice ride and good editing. With all the snow we have had in Utah, it’s nice to see sun and surf. Well done. What’s with the chickens?
Fantastic job! I watch while im on my indoor bike. Thank you so much. I love the beautiful music😊❤ you should make more, you are very talented 😊 god bless you. Scenery is soooo beautiful and tranquil,so different than here in the forest🌲
Loved this for my exercise bike ride. It’s cold, gray and rainy here, but with this video I was able to enjoy some sunshine. Thank you!
Great ride! Thanks for sharing. Fun sound effects!
This makes me miss Kauai. We lived on the west side and didn’t have a bike route like this but this is so pretty.
sooooo nice!!!!!
What a beautiful ride! After 2 weeks of moderate temps and sunny days it’s cold, overcast and snowy again here in Pennsylvania. These videos sure help an outdoor country boy deal with being stuck inside.
For videos of U.S bike paths POV Routes is great!
The chickens are my favorite part of this video. Makes riding my indoor bike much more entertaining 🙂
How long is this ride in miles? Just curious!
love it! sure beats riding on our roads!!
how many miles is this segment? …7.2 miles?? (Cincinnati Ohio)
Great video, with plenty of captions, special effects (even at the end), great views in front of the bike as well as on the sides. My only regret is that you make a U-turn after 15 minutes. One of the best workout videos I’ve ever seen. Thanks a lot.
I would have liked this with the natural sounds instead of he music.
Great Video! Thank you so much! 😊
Nice route! ❤️ 💙
Loved this, Thank you!
Wow! Thanks for this video. I grew up in Kapaa, but it’s been 40 years since I moved away and that bike path definitely did not exist when I was growing up there (many of the buildings did not exist too). It was quite a surprise to see this journey start next to the Bullshed Restaurant. I grew up around 200 yards away from that spot and used to sit on that beach a lot. I also did a lot of boogie boarding at Kealia Beach. Lots of memories watching this video! Again, Mahalo nui loa!!! 😃
This is my favourite indoor cycling video so far, I love it, it’s like I’m actually there, thank you. 👍
My new favorite scenic workout vid! Thanks for the joyful content and sharing wonderful Kauai with all of us! Aloha 🤗
This is the best scenic bike video! Such a vibe. You need to make more of these. The highlights for me are the bell, aloha! As well as the sound of the chicken lol & 🎉of course more shots of the ocean… The better! ❤❤❤ 🌊 🙌🏼💯💯💯
My wife and I just bought a cheap exercise bike and I love sitting in front of the tv and watching your video, it’s like actually biking this trail ! it is so beautiful what a great job filming. I live in Washington state and have never been to Hawaii, I just love it and it makes my time on the bike go by so fast. God bless you my friend keep up the good work ! the scenery is fantastic !!
Gorgeous! I’m 63 and on my little treadmill here in Kansas City, MO. The friendliness of you is sweet. Don’t let anyone change you! 😅
Thank you for this video! 🙌✝
I’m in Ireland cycling indoors in Hawaii!! This was so much fun!!
Great indoor bike ride! Thanks!
너무 아름다운 해변이네요!!! 즐거운 싸이클링이었습니다.
Love it so much
I’m recovering from a winter cold here in Queens, NY 🗽 I’ve been resting all weekend. I did a 10-minute indoor walk but wanted to ride my elliptical. This is great. I did one during the pandemic and it just came back to me, and here I go. 🎉 Thank you for helping me beat my winter blues and get back to my exercise routine.
Good pace. I enjoyed the narration !
absolutely beautiful
stunning! enjoyed the ride so much during our March snow in Ohio! My understanding is that the Hawaiian kings ruled from the mountain top down to the shore so everyone had equal access to the riches of the biomes. Does that explain the lack of development on the shoreline? Compare that to the California shoreline developed by colonial conquerors… looking forward to another ride with you!!
Thank u for a very amusing ride . Looking at it now for the third time in cold Vienna Austria!
The visual is great but I would have much preferred the natural audio to the music.
Beep beep! I like that😂
great ride and video’s, I also make similar type of video! I take great inspiration from your channel and I dream to make grow my channel like yours!