TREKFIT Outdoor fitness equipment – Fitness circuits & Stations

TREKFIT Outdoor fitness equipment – Fitness circuits & Stations

TREKFIT Outdoor fitness equipment – Fitness circuits & Stations

As a market leader in outdoor fitness equipment, Trekfit is showing the way forward in the building of active communities through fitness and design.
Put simply, a circuit is a series of exercises that one executes with little or no break as one moves from station to station. This has the advantage of burning the maximum amount of calories in the shortest amount of time while engaging the cardiovascular system.
TREKFIT has designed a series of circuit equipment that not only blends in harmoniously with both urban and natural settings, but that allows the user to get the most out of their workout according to their fitness level.
Each circuit is comprised of three phases: warm up, workout and stretching, and can be followed simply by reading the instruction panel by each station.


  1. @juliantambwe8551 on March 4, 2025 at 12:29 am


  2. @kinesiologuecreatif1291 on March 4, 2025 at 12:40 am

    merci pour ces belles installations . vous rendez la calisthenie et le mouvement acessible pour tous. continuez votre beau travail la gang

  3. @SimonLahaye on March 4, 2025 at 12:48 am

    Ma municipalité (Sept-Îles) vient d’installer de vos installations. C’est fantastique. J’adore la jungle de bambous et le filet cargo.

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